Elsewhere on this blog (links below) I have been writing my own version of Alexander’s story, starting from the assassination of his father, Philip II. It is a more serious version of the story that is currently being portrayed on his Twitter feed - so, no Linear bPads (alas). The audio files below are audio versions of those chapters.
Before you listen to them, I would like to apologise in advance for their deficiencies. I have never attempted a project like this before so have no experience in audio recording. If anyone who has recorded an audio book strays across this page, I hope he or she has mercy on me!
Further to the above, in recording the story I have become very aware of where the original texts fall short both in terms of typos and narrative. If nothing else, therefore, I hope that recording them will help me to improve not just as a speaker but writer.
If you have any comments or (constructive!) criticism I would be very, very grateful to receive them. I would certainly like to improve myself in this area. In the meantime, here the the audios of chapters one to three (four to nine will follow. Depending on how well I get on, future chapters will be posted along with the text version of the story)…
Part One: Pausanias
Original Post
Part Two: The End and a Beginning
Original Post
Part Three: Of Death and Suffering
Original Post
The Story of Alexander the Great - Audio Version Pts 1 - 3
Categories: The Story of Alexander in audio
I have not listened to it yet, but that is way cool!>KB
Really excellent, Al! 🙂 x
A60 and Lorelei - Thank you 🙂
I’ve nominated your blog for Best Moment Award https://theworldofalexanderthegreat.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/best-moment-award/ Love & respect, Maarit