From Cats to Flowers, Kings to Poets

Linked to Alexander (4)
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30th October 2014
Local cats get national attention with calendar
Alexander the Great… cat from NWF Daily News

31st October 2014
When the Greeks Ruled Egypt
Good to read something about the Ptolemies

31st October 2014
Letter: Alexander wasn’t ‘great’
From the Daily Freeman newspaper

31st October 2014
Homer truths in high places: plant-hunting on Mount Olympus
Robin Lane Fox goes flower hunting

More Alexander
Why not visit this blog’s Tumblr page? I have started a series of short blog posts on Plutarch’s Life of Alexander. Click here to read more.

Are you a fan of Mary Renault? We are reading her Alexander trilogy over at Facebook.

Categories: Linked to Alexander | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “From Cats to Flowers, Kings to Poets

  1. Why do you stop to write Hephaistion’s portrayal? I like very much your posts about ‘The Second Patroclus’: you are well balanced in judgement and very accurate as for sources.


  2. Silasaila,

    I am happy to report that I have been writing the next post for the last week or so. The reason for the delay is that it turned into a longer consideration of the difficulties Alexander faced while in Bactria-Sogdia. As a result, I’ve ended up writing four posts. The posts are all written but need to be edited. I am hoping I will be able to start posting them by Monday.



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