Just a quick post to bring to your attention the following:
Firstly, an article by Alexander scholar Robin Lane Fox on ‘Did nationalism exist in the classical world?’. You can read it here.
Although the article is headed by a detail of the Alexander Mosaic it isn’t (exclusively) about him. With that said, it is well worth reading if you would like to expand your knowledge of how people in antiquity thought.
Earlier today, I had a very enjoyable few minutes looking at the history memes on Reddit. While doing so, I came across the following:

The meme is both funny and pretty accurate; well, from panel two onwards, anyway (we’ll ignore the fact that Alexander made a mole rather than a peninsula). In regards the first panel, the Tyrians were not at all so rude or aggressive towards the Macedonian king. They tried to use diplomacy to protect the city only to be outflanked when Alexander told the diplomats that he intended to worship Herakles in the city. The Tyrians were not minded to allow that: if they allowed Alexander in, that might cause trouble with Persia (assuming the latter won the war). So, the gates were closed to him and the mole built.
The comments attached to this meme were fun to read. I’ve included the first in case you didn’t know why modern Tyre is now one city that stretches out into the sea:

The Reddit page from which the above comes from can be found here.