The Haliacmon; a river to love to death
Alexander the Great
- @army_of_apollo OMGs #lips #srd 4 hours ago
- @army_of_apollo Is he a better actor than Thespis? 5 hours ago
- @Chiliarch In any case, where are you? You missed tonight's meeting. Cleitus had a lot to say (as usual). Come to my tent when you can. 5 hours ago
- @army_of_apollo Greetings, my lady. I am well; a little sore from riding all day. I must ask, what is a liege? 4 hours ago
- @AlexanderIII I am with the scouts. We are in the north-west corner of the camp talking to the guards. I shall return presently. 5 hours ago
- @army_of_apollo Oh, my dear friend! 5 hours ago
Ptolemy I Soter
- Discussing Plato with Thaïs in bed. Good night world, known and unknown. 3 hours ago
- Playing knucklebones with Peithon and Leonnatus. Feel a bit basic but we can't discuss Plato all the time. 5 hours ago
- They would make much better codewords for the camp than 'Zeus Victorious' 5 hours ago
Thaïs of Athens
- The Egyptian cat left our tent last night and never came back. Too late to go looking for her now :( 3 days ago
- @Ptolemy_I_Soter Why did you send Simple Amyntas?? PS: Kleo is on her way to see you now! 4 days ago
- @Ptolemy_I_Soter Kleopatra asked him if the vote was anonymous or not, he said, "I don't know, I will have to ask my master Ptolemy." 4 days ago
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